Tagged: cherry

First Jam

Langford Cranberry, Cherry & Carnation Compote

For my first blog post on Pulp and Pectin, my jam blog, I will start with Langford Foods’ Cranberry, Cherry and Carnation Compote. Its stats:

Texture: slightly gelatinous, only curled petals visible
Colour: watered-down red
Taste: generic red flavour (must be the cranberry), a tad raspberry-ish
Sweetness: 3/10 (with 10 being diabetic coma)
Jar: hard to get the last bit around the rim
Calories: 10/tbsp

From the local Langley-based Langford Foods website: “Cranberry, Cherry, and Carnation Compote is a year round favourite with the tartness of cranberries and cherries enhanced by a hint of clove flavour from our farm grown carnations.” The list of ingredients is reassuringly simple, along with the three title plants, the jam also had sugar (of course), water, lemon juice and pectin. Not sure how the clove snuck in there.