Category: Fruit Butter

Darbo Plum Butter

Plum Jam

This is Darbo plum butter from Stans in Austria.

Texture: smooth
Colour: dark burgundy, almost black
Taste: slightly sour, as you would expect from plums
Sweetness: 5/10
Calories: 42/tbsp

The label reassures us that we’re only getting plums, sugar and a smidge of lemon juice concentrate. Choose your bread wisely with this baby: I wasted a week of breakfasts eating it on fridge-cold seed-strewn whole wheat stuff. Next time I bring home a soft white bread from the supermarket, it will be the soft underbelly of this plum butter.

The company, Darbo, apparently started in Görz, now Italian Gorizia, in 1879, before relocating to the Tyrol. They get points on their website for the use of a toy theatre (it’s a nineteenth century toy, look it up), the opera music and the boozy recipes using their syrups.